Privacy Policy

    1. Introduction

    Overview of Policy

    Welcome to Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing. We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled in a safe and responsible manner. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect from you when you visit the Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing website (“Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Website”) or use the services provided (“Service”). It also describes how we use, share, and protect your information, and the choices you have regarding your information. This policy is designed to comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and relevant telecommunication privacy standards.


    This Privacy Policy applies to all individuals and entities who interact with the Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Website and the Service, regardless of their location. It encompasses the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing and its affiliates and subsidiaries. This policy covers information collected through our website, mobile applications, SMS/MMS communications, and any other electronic means of interaction. It is important that you read this policy carefully to understand our practices related to your information.

    Through your interaction with Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing, you may engage in activities where additional or separate privacy notices are presented. Those notices will apply in conjunction with this policy to the extent of any inconsistencies.


    By accessing or using the Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Website and the Service, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and processing of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. This consent applies to all information practices carried out by Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing, including but not limited to SMS/MMS messaging.

    When collecting personal information, particularly for activities that involve telephony services such as SMS/MMS messaging, we adhere to stringent consent requirements. Explicit, informed, and unambiguous consent is obtained from all individuals prior to the collection of their personal data. This includes clear and conspicuous opt-in mechanisms for marketing communications and any telecommunication activities, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards set forth by bodies such as the CTIA, TCPA, and GDPR.

    In certain circumstances, we may require your express written consent, particularly for automated messaging campaigns and any data-sharing activities that fall under strict regulatory frameworks. Your consent may be withdrawn at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. To withdraw your consent, please contact us using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.

    We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices, legal requirements, and regulatory obligations. Your continued use of the Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Website and the Service constitutes your acceptance of any modifications to this policy. Notice of any significant updates will be provided through a prominent notice on our website or through direct communication channels.

    By using Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and any other agreements that govern your use of our services.

    1. Information We Collect

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to transparency concerning the information we collect about you. This section outlines the various types of information we gather through our website and services, inclusive of telephonic interactions such as SMS/MMS communications, and provides clarity on the purpose and use of such information.

    Personal Information

    We collect personal information that can be used to identify you as an individual, collected either directly from you or through your interactions with our services. This includes, but is not limited to:

       – Name: Full legal name.

       – Contact Details: Email address, postal address, telephone number, and other similar contact information.

       – User IDs and Passwords: Authentication credentials for accessing Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing services.

    This personal information is collected primarily during registration, use of our services, or direct interactions with our customer service teams.

    Billing Information

    For transactional and billing purposes, we collect specific financial information, which includes:

       – Credit Card Information: Card number, expiration date, and CVV.

       – Billing Address: Postal address associated with the payment method.


    The collection of billing information is essential for processing payments and managing your subscription or purchases of Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing services. This information is stored in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

    Usage Information

    To optimize and enhance your experience, we gather detailed usage data reflecting your interactions with our services and website:

       – IP Address: Internet Protocol address used to connect your computer or mobile device to the internet.

       – Service Usage: Data concerning features accessed, duration and frequency of use, service plan choices, and other metrics.

       – Calling History: Records of calls made and received via our services, including timestamps and call durations.

       – Click Patterns: Data on navigation and clicks on the Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Website, reflecting user interaction patterns.

    Collection of such information is standard practice to improve service delivery, ensure security, and understand user preferences.

    Anonymous Information

    We also collect anonymized data that cannot be used to identify you personally. This aggregated data includes:

       – Aggregated Usage Data: Information compiled from multiple users in a manner that ensures individual anonymity.

    The purpose of collecting anonymous data is to conduct market research, improve our services, monitor performance, and support commercial activities without compromising individual privacy.

    Additional Information

    In the course of providing our services, we may also collect supplementary information necessary for business operations:

       – Business Name: Company name and related details for enterprise clients.

       – Demographic Details: Age, gender, occupation, and other demographic characteristics.

       – Technology Preferences: Information about your preferred technologies and platforms.

       – Referral Information: How you discovered Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing, including referral sources.

    This additional information helps us tailor our services, improve customer interactions, and develop targeted marketing strategies.

    Automatically Collected Information

    We employ various technologies to gather information automatically when you use our services or visit our website. This includes:

       – Cookies: Small data files stored on your device that help us recognize you, track your preferences, and improve your experience. Types of cookies we use include session cookies, persistent cookies, and third-party cookies.

       – Web Beacons: Tiny graphic files that monitor the effectiveness of our communications and enhance user interaction tracking by recording actions such as opening emails and visiting web pages.

       – Log Files: Records kept of webpage requests, detailing information such as browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, time stamps, and click counts.

    These technologies are integral for ensuring a smooth, personalized, and secure user experience, as well as for conducting analytics and optimizing our services.

    By understanding the multifaceted ways in which we collect information, you are better equipped to make informed decisions about your engagement with Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing. Should you have any questions or concerns about our data collection practices, please refer to the “Contact Information” section for guidance on how to reach out to us.

    1. How We Use Your Information

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to ensuring that the information we collect from you is used in a manner that is transparent, secure, and compliant with applicable laws and regulations. Below is a detailed explanation of how we utilize your information to provide, enhance, and secure our services.

    Regulating Access

    We use personal information to regulate and manage access to Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing services. This includes, but is not limited to:

       – Authentication: Verifying your identity when you log in to the Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Website or use our services.

       – Access Control: Ensuring that only authorized users access specific services and features.

       – Security Measures: Implementing security protocols to protect against unauthorized access, breaches, and other security threats.


    To enhance your experience, we use your information to provide customized content and recommendations:

       – User Preferences: Tailoring content and service offerings based on your interests and previous interactions.

       – Service Customization: Personalizing user interfaces and features to improve usability and satisfaction.

    Promotions and Marketing

    Your information allows us to conduct marketing activities that inform you of relevant products, services, and promotions.

    – Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing Promotions

       – Direct Marketing: Sending you promotional materials related to Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s products and services through email, SMS, and other communication channels, subject to obtaining your prior consent where required by law.

       – Marketing Analytics: Leveraging usage data and personal preferences to design and target effective marketing campaigns.

    – Partner and Sponsor Promotions

       – Third-Party Promotions: With your explicit consent, sharing your contact information with selected partners and sponsors to promote products or services that might interest you.

       – Opt-Out Mechanisms: Providing clear and easy ways for you to opt out of receiving such third-party promotional communications at any time.

    Customer Contact

    We utilize your contact information to communicate with you for various purposes, such as:

       – Service Notifications: Informing you about important updates, changes, or issues related to our services.

       – Customer Support: Addressing your inquiries, resolving issues, and providing assistance through our customer service channels.

       – Surveys and Feedback: Collecting feedback to improve our services and customer satisfaction.


    Internal and Administrative Purposes

    Your information is critical for our internal operations and administration:

       – Data Analysis: Conducting internal research and analysis to improve our products and services.

       – Audits and Compliance: Ensuring adherence to internal policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements.

       – Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating potential risks to our business operations and service delivery.

    Billing and Support

    We use billing and support information for financial and operational purposes:

       – Transaction Processing: Handling payments, refunds, and billing inquiries.

       – Account Management: Managing your account details, subscription plans, and service entitlements.

       – Technical Support: Providing technical assistance and troubleshooting to ensure seamless service usage.

    Anonymous Information Uses

    Anonymous information is utilized in a manner that ensures your privacy while supporting business objectives:

       – Aggregated Analytics: Combining anonymous data to analyze trends, usage patterns, and market demand without identifying individual users.

       – Business Development: Using analytical insights derived from anonymous information to make informed business decisions and develop new products or services.

    Third-Party Providers

    We may engage third-party service providers to perform certain functions on our behalf, and we share your information with them as necessary to facilitate these services:

       – Service Provision: Contracting third parties to support services such as cloud hosting, payment processing, and marketing analytics.

       – Confidentiality Agreements: Ensuring that third-party providers adhere to strict confidentiality and data protection obligations.

    Legal Compliance

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to legal and regulatory compliance in all jurisdictions where we operate:

       – Law Enforcement Requests: Disclosing information to comply with legal obligations, court orders, or official requests from law enforcement agencies.

       – Regulatory Requirements: Using and disclosing information as necessary to comply with industry regulations, telecommunication laws, and data protection legislation.

       – Enforcement of Terms: Ensuring compliance with our user agreements, terms of service, and other contractual obligations.

    This comprehensive approach to information use ensures that your data is employed responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with all applicable legal standards. Should you have any questions or require further clarification concerning how your information is used, please contact us through the methods provided in the “Contact Information” section.

    1. SMS/MMS Messaging

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing takes compliance with SMS/MMS regulations and guidelines seriously, ensuring that our messaging practices align with the highest legal standards and industry best practices. This section outlines the policies and procedures governing our use of SMS and MMS messaging, particularly in relation to RingCentral’s terms and requirements.

    Enhanced Business SMS Guidelines

    – Compliance with RingCentral’s Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s use of Enhanced Business SMS services is strictly governed by RingCentral’s Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy. We ensure that our SMS/MMS activities comply with these policies, which aim to enhance service quality while preventing spam, phishing, and fraudulent messages.

    – Message Limitations

    To maintain the integrity of our messaging services and adhere to carrier policies, we limit the number of messages sent per originating number to:

    – 50 messages per minute per originating number for regular use.

    – Up to 60 messages per minute for long-code numbers and 180 messages per minute for toll-free numbers under our High Volume SMS solution.

    – Written Consent Requirements

    For any marketing, promotional, or informational messaging, we obtain explicit written consent from recipients before sending messages. This consent is documented and maintained to ensure compliance with regulatory standards such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) guidelines.

    – Prohibition on Purchased Lists

    We strictly prohibit the use of purchased lists or third-party generated lead lists for sending SMS messages. All recipients must opt-in directly to Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s messaging services.

    Automated Messaging

    – Express and Logged Consent

       Automated SMS messaging via RingCentral’s platform requires express and logged consent from the recipient. This involves obtaining clear and documented approval to receive automated messages, in compliance with CTIA guidelines and other applicable laws.

    – Opt-out Requirements

       Every automated message includes clear opt-out instructions (e.g., “Reply STOP to end”). All opt-out requests are processed immediately to ensure recipients can easily discontinue receiving messages.

     Opt-in/User Consent

    – Double Opt-In Recommendations

       We highly recommend using a double opt-in process to confirm the recipient’s consent and validate their contact information. This involves sending a confirmation message to which the recipient must respond affirmatively, thereby reinforcing the opt-in process.

    – Consent Tracking

       Detailed records of consent are maintained, including timestamps and methods of opt-in, to provide proof of consent if requested by carriers or regulatory bodies.

    – Proof of Consent

       In instances where carriers request proof of consent, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing can provide comprehensive documentation detailing the opt-in process and recipient consent records.

     Opt-Out Procedures

    – Required Keywords

       Opt-out instructions are clearly communicated in all informational, marketing, or promotional messages. Recognized keywords such as STOP and UNSUBSCRIBE are honored immediately to ensure compliance with CTIA guidelines.


    – Manual and Automated Opt-Out Management

       While our High Volume SMS solution automatically manages opt-outs, messages sent from long-code and toll-free numbers outside this solution require manual management of opt-out requests. We ensure that opt-out requests received through any channel are processed to prevent further messaging to those recipients.

    Prohibited Campaigns and Content

    – Prohibited Campaigns

       The following types of campaigns are strictly prohibited:

       – Loan and mortgage advertisements

       – Credit repair offers

       – Debt relief offers

       – Debt collection attempts

       – Work from home advertisements

       – Secret shopper advertisements

       – Political advertisements and messages

       – Alcohol, tobacco, or firearms advertisements

       – Pharmaceutical, vitamin, or other drug advertisements

       Our policies extend to similar campaigns which may fall under these categories.

    – Prohibited Message Content

       Messages containing the following content are not permitted and may result in service suspension:

       – Illegal activities or terms of service violations

       – Pornographic or adult entertainment

       – Violence, hate speech, or abusive content

       – References to controlled substances (e.g., marijuana)

       – Fraudulent or deceptive behavior

       – Links intended to mislead or violate carrier policies

     Compliance and Enforcement


    – Carrier Fees

       We remain vigilant about adhering to carrier-imposed regulations and fees to avoid additional financial liability for non-compliance.

    – Account Restrictions

       Accounts found in violation of RingCentral or carrier rules may face reduced deliverability rates, additional campaign registration fees, temporary suspension of services, or termination of account access.

    – Penalties and Fines

       Non-compliance with guidelines and regulations may attract penalties and fines passed through RingCentral by the carriers. It is our responsibility to stay informed and adhere to all relevant policies to mitigate these risks.

    By adhering to the detailed guidelines and requirements listed above, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing commits to maintaining the highest standards of compliance in our SMS/MMS messaging practices. If you have any questions or require additional information on our messaging policies, please contact us through the provided channels in the “Contact Information” section.

    1. Information Storage and Security

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to safeguarding the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of your personal information. We employ a comprehensive range of security measures and follow industry best practices to ensure that your data is stored and processed securely. This section outlines our methods of information storage, security measures, and data retention policies to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

    Storage Methods

    To ensure the security of your personal data, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing employs a multi-faceted approach, incorporating physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards.

    – Physical Procedures

      Our data storage facilities are secured through advanced physical security measures:

      – Controlled Access: Access to our physical storage locations is restricted to authorized personnel only. We employ secure locks, ID badge verification, biometric systems, and surveillance cameras to monitor and control access.

      – Environmental Protections: Our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art fire suppression systems, climate control, and redundant power supplies to protect against environmental risks.


    – Electronic Procedures

      Personal information collected by Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is stored on secure, encrypted servers. The following electronic measures are in place:

      – Network Security: We use robust firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to protect our servers from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

      – Data Redundancy and Backup: Regularly scheduled backups are performed to ensure data recovery in case of accidental loss or hardware failure. These backups are stored in secure, off-site locations with the same level of protection as our primary data centers.

    – Managerial Procedures

      We maintain stringent managerial controls to ensure that the personnel handling your data adhere to our privacy and security policies:

      – Access Control Policies: Authorized access is granted on a need-to-know basis, and access privileges are regularly reviewed and updated.

      – Employee Training: All employees undergo regular training on data protection laws, privacy practices, and security measures, ensuring that they are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining data security.

    Security Measures

    To protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing employs a range of advanced security measures.

    – Encryption

      Encryption is a critical component of our data security strategy:

      – Data at Rest: Personal information stored on our servers is encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256).

      – Data in Transit: Information transmitted between your device and our servers is protected using Transport Layer Security (TLS) to ensure secure communications and prevent data interception.

    – Secure Access Controls

      We implement robust access control mechanisms to protect sensitive data:

      – Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA is required for accessing sensitive systems and data, adding an additional layer of security by requiring more than one form of verification.

      – Regular Audits: We conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and rectify potential security risks, ensuring ongoing compliance with data protection standards.

    Data Retention

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to retaining your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

    – Retention Periods

      Our data retention policies are guided by the following principles:

      – Business and Operational Needs: Data is retained for the duration necessary to provide ongoing services, support business operations, and fulfill contractual obligations.

      – Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Retention periods are determined by legal requirements, which may vary depending on jurisdiction and the nature of the data.

    – Deletion Policies

      When personal information is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing follows strict deletion policies:

      – Secure Deletion: Data is securely deleted from our systems using industry-standard methods such as data wiping and degaussing, which ensure that the information cannot be recovered or reconstructed.

      – Anonymization: In cases where ongoing data analysis is required, personal data may be anonymized, rendering it non-identifiable and allowing us to retain it for statistical and analytical purposes without compromising individual privacy.

    By implementing these rigorous storage and security practices, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing aims to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. Our commitment to data security is ongoing, and we continually review and enhance our practices to adhere to evolving legal standards and technological advancements.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding our information storage and security practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the details provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.

    1. Data Sharing and Disclosure

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and security of your personal information. This section outlines the circumstances under which we may share your data with third parties, and the stringent conditions that govern such disclosures. We ensure that any sharing of data is done in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

    With Service Providers

    To provide and enhance our services, we may engage third-party service providers who perform functions on our behalf. These service providers are contractually obligated to use your personal information solely for the purposes of delivering the services we have contracted them to provide. This may include, but is not limited to:

    – Cloud Services and Hosting Providers: Companies that provide data storage and hosting services to ensure the seamless operation and scalability of our platform.

    – Payment Processors: Entities that facilitate payment transactions, including credit card processing, billing, and collections.

    – Email and Messaging Services: Providers that assist in sending out communications, such as email and SMS/MMS notifications, on our behalf.

    – Analytics and Productivity Tools: Companies that provide analytic tools and services to help us understand usage patterns and improve our services.

    All third-party service providers are subject to rigorous data protection agreements, ensuring they adhere to stringent security standards and comply with applicable data protection laws.

    Business Transfers

    As part of our commitment to transparency, we inform you that your personal information may be disclosed or transferred in the event of a business transaction. Such transactions may include:

    – Mergers and Acquisitions: In the event that Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your personal information may be transferred to the acquiring entity.

    – Corporate Restructuring: Any bankruptcy, reorganization, or other change in our corporate structure may necessitate the transfer of your personal data to a new entity.

    In all such instances, we will ensure that the receiving party agrees to use your personal information in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy and any applicable data protection laws. You will be notified of any change in ownership or control of your personal information through prominent notices on our website or through direct communication.

    Legal Requirements

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing may be required to disclose your personal information in response to lawful requests from public authorities or to comply with legal obligations. Such disclosures may include:

    – Compliance with Laws: Disclosures necessary to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request.

    – Protection of Rights: Disclosures necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing, our users, employees, or the public.

    – Legal Proceedings: Disclosures necessary to enforce our terms of service, agreements, or policies, or to respond to claims or litigation involving Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing.

    In these instances, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the scope of disclosure is strictly limited to the information required by law and that appropriate protections are in place to safeguard your privacy.

    Affiliates and Subsidiaries

    To streamline our operations and provide comprehensive services, we may share your personal information with our affiliates and subsidiaries. These entities are bound by this Privacy Policy and are committed to maintaining the same level of data protection and confidentiality. Sharing data within our corporate family allows us to:

    – Unified Service Delivery: Enhance and support the delivery of services across different regions and business units.

    – Consistent Customer Experience: Provide a seamless and consistent experience across all Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing platforms and services.

    – Operational Efficiency: Streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve service offerings by leveraging shared resources and infrastructure.

    Our affiliates and subsidiaries are contractually obligated to use your personal information solely for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and to adhere to the same stringent data protection standards that Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing upholds.

    By understanding the scope and conditions under which your personal information may be shared, you can have confidence in our commitment to your privacy and the measures we take to protect your data. If you have any questions or concerns about our data sharing practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.




    1. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to providing a user-friendly and efficient browsing experience. To achieve this, we utilize various cookies and tracking technologies to collect information about your interactions with our services. This section details the types of cookies and tracking technologies we employ, their purposes, and the information they gather, in compliance with applicable privacy laws and industry standards.




    Types of Cookies Used


    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing deploys several types of cookies to enhance your experience and ensure the efficient functioning of our services:


    – Essential Cookies: These cookies are fundamental to the operation of our website and services. They enable essential functionalities such as security, network management, and accessibility. Without these cookies, certain features and services may not function correctly.


    – Performance Cookies: Performance cookies collect anonymized information about how visitors interact with our website. This data helps us understand the pages visited, time spent on the site, and any error messages encountered. The aggregated information is used solely to improve the performance and usability of our website.


    – Functionality Cookies: These cookies remember choices you make to provide a more personalized experience. They include remembering your login details, language preferences, and enabling live chat support. Functionality cookies do not track your browsing activity on other websites and the information collected may be anonymized.


    – Targeting/Advertising Cookies: Targeting cookies are used to deliver relevant advertisements to you. They track your browsing habits and interactions with ads to make content more relevant to your interests. These cookies can also limit the number of times you see an advertisement and help assess the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.


    Purpose of Cookies


    The primary purposes for which Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing utilizes cookies include:


    – Improving User Experience: By remembering your preferences and past actions, cookies enhance the usability and functionality of our services.

    – Analytics and Performance: Cookies help us understand how users engage with our website, enabling us to optimize our content and design for better user satisfaction.

    – Targeted Advertising: With your consent, cookies enable us to deliver personalized advertisements based on your browsing behavior and preferences.


     Web Beacons


    How and Why Used


    Web beacons, also known as pixel tags or clear GIFs, are small graphic images embedded in emails or web pages. Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing employs web beacons for the following purposes:


    – Email Tracking: To understand whether emails sent by us are opened and if recipients engage with the content, thereby optimizing our email communication strategies.

    – Website Analytics: To track user behavior on our website, such as pages visited and actions taken. This information helps improve the overall user experience and assess the effectiveness of our website features.


    Web beacons work in conjunction with cookies to monitor the interaction between users and our digital properties, providing a comprehensive view of user engagement.


     Log Files


    Information Collected


    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing also uses log files to capture specific information automatically when users interact with our website and services. The data collected through log files includes:


    – IP Addresses: Internet Protocol addresses of the devices used to access our website, which help determine the geographical location of users and assist in maintaining website security.

    – Browser Type and Version: Information about the browser used (e.g., Chrome, Firefox) to access our site, aiding in compatibility and optimization efforts.

    – Internet Service Provider (ISP): Details about the ISP providing internet access to the user, which can be useful for troubleshooting connectivity issues.

    – Referring/Exit Pages: The URLs of the web pages that referred visitors to our site, as well as the pages they visit upon leaving. This data helps us understand traffic patterns and the effectiveness of referral sources.

    – Date and Time Stamps: Precise timestamps indicating when users access our site, which assist in tracking user behavior and peak usage times.

    – Clickstream Data: Information about the sequence of clicks and interactions on our website, enabling us to optimize the site layout and navigation.


    By leveraging these tracking technologies, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing aims to enhance user experience, ensure secure and efficient operation of our services, and provide personalized content. We are committed to complying with all relevant data protection laws and providing transparency about our data collection practices.


    Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our use of cookies and tracking technologies, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.




    1. User Rights and Choices

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to empowering users with control over their personal information. This section outlines your rights and choices regarding the data we collect and process, ensuring compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.


     Access and Update Information


    You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you and to request corrections or updates to ensure its accuracy and completeness. Our procedures to facilitate this include:


    – Access Requests: You can request a copy of the personal data we maintain about you by contacting us through the “Contact Information” section. We will provide the requested information within a reasonable timeframe, in compliance with applicable laws.

    – Update and Correction Requests: If you believe that any personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request corrections or updates. Please contact us to make such requests, and we will promptly correct any inaccuracies.


     Opt-In/Opt-Out Choices


    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing provides you with clear choices to control your communication preferences and data usage. These options ensure that you can manage your engagement with our services effectively.


    – Marketing Communications:

      – Opt-In: During the registration process or through subsequent interactions, you may opt-in to receive marketing communications from Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing. This includes emails, newsletters, and promotional offers related to our products and services.

      – Opt-Out: You have the right to opt-out of receiving marketing communications at any time. Each marketing email will include an “unsubscribe” link allowing you to opt-out. Alternatively, you can contact us directly to update your preferences.


    – SMS/MMS Messages:

      – Opt-In: To receive SMS/MMS messages, including notifications, updates, and promotional content, you must provide explicit consent. This is typically done through a double opt-in process to verify your consent.

      – Opt-Out: You can opt-out of receiving SMS/MMS messages by replying with keywords such as “STOP” or “UNSUBSCRIBE” to any message received. Additionally, you can contact our support team to manage your messaging preferences.


     Request for Data Deletion


    You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information under certain circumstances, including when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or if you withdraw your consent. Our data deletion procedures include:


    – Submission of Requests: To request the deletion of your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the details provided in the “Contact Information” section. We will review your request and take appropriate action in compliance with applicable laws.

    – Deletion Process: Upon verifying your request, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing will delete your personal data from our active databases and systems. In some cases, residual copies may be retained in our backup archives for a specified period to comply with legal obligations or for legitimate business purposes.


     Complaint Resolution


    If you have any concerns or complaints about our data handling practices, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to resolving them promptly and effectively. Our complaint resolution procedures are as follows:


    – Submission of Complaints: If you believe your privacy rights have been violated or have other concerns regarding our data practices, you should contact our Data Protection Officer immediately. Provide detailed information about your complaint to facilitate a thorough investigation.

    – Internal Review: Upon receiving your complaint, our team will conduct a comprehensive review of the issue, involving relevant departments and personnel to understand the scope and cause of the problem.

    – Resolution and Response: Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing will work diligently to resolve your complaint and address any underlying issues. We will provide you with a formal response, outlining the steps we have taken to resolve the matter and any corrective actions implemented.


    Additionally, if you are not satisfied with our resolution process, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority or regulatory body in your jurisdiction.


    By understanding and exercising these rights, you can maintain control over your personal information and ensure that Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing upholds its commitment to privacy and data protection. Should you have any questions or need further assistance with your rights and choices, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.




    1. International Data Transfers

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to ensuring that your personal information is handled with the highest level of protection, regardless of where it is transferred or stored. This section outlines our policies and procedures related to international data transfers, ensuring compliance with global data protection standards and legal requirements.


     Compliance with Global Standards


    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing recognizes the importance of protecting personal information across international borders and adheres to global data protection standards, including:


    – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): For individuals located in the European Economic Area (EEA), Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing complies with the GDPR, which imposes stringent requirements on the transfer of personal data outside the EEA. We ensure that any international transfer of personal data adheres to these regulations.

    – California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): For residents of California, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing complies with the CCPA, ensuring that personal information transferred out of the United States meets the necessary protection levels.

    – Other Applicable Laws: Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing also complies with other relevant international data protection laws, including those in areas where our users reside, ensuring a consistent level of data protection globally.


     Transfer Mechanisms


    To ensure the lawful transfer of personal data across international borders, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing employs several transfer mechanisms, including:


    – Adequacy Decisions: Where applicable, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing relies on adequacy decisions by relevant data protection authorities. These decisions confirm that the receiving country provides an adequate level of data protection, equivalent to that offered within the EEA.

    – Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs): In the absence of an adequacy decision, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing uses Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission as a lawful basis for transferring personal data to countries outside the EEA. These clauses impose data protection obligations on the receiving party, ensuring the safeguarding of your personal information.

    – Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs): For intra-group transfers, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing may implement Binding Corporate Rules, which are internal policies approved by data protection authorities, providing a robust framework for international data transfers within our corporate family.

    – Privacy Shield Framework: Although the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework has been invalidated for EEA to U.S. data transfers, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing ensures that any data transferred to the U.S. adheres to equivalent data protection standards through alternative mechanisms such as SCCs or BCRs.


    Specific Considerations for Telephony and Insurance:


    – Telecom Regulations: For international data transfers involving telephony services, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing ensures compliance with telecommunications-specific regulations and standards, including those related to voice, SMS, and MMS data. This includes adherence to lawful interception requirements, data retention obligations, and network security standards.

    – Insurance Regulations: For international data transfers involving insurance services, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing adheres to specific regulations governing the transfer and processing of policyholder information, claims data, and actuarial records. This includes compliance with financial regulations, anti-money laundering (AML) requirements, and cross-border supervision by insurance regulatory authorities.


    Security Measures:

       – Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing implements extensive security measures to protect personal information during international transfers, including encryption, pseudonymization, and secure data transmission protocols. These measures ensure that your data remains confidential and secure during transit and storage.


    Transparency and Control:

       – We maintain transparency with our users regarding international data transfers. You have the right to request further information about the specific safeguards and transfer mechanisms we utilize to protect your personal information. This can be done by contacting our Data Protection Officer using the details provided in the “Contact Information” section.


    By ensuring compliance with global standards and implementing robust transfer mechanisms, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing commits to protecting your personal information, regardless of its geographic location. These efforts underpin our dedication to maintaining the highest levels of data protection and regulatory compliance.


    Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our international data transfer practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.

    1. Children’s Privacy

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is dedicated to protecting the privacy of children and complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding children’s data. This section outlines our policies on age restrictions and parental guidance to ensure children’s information is handled with the utmost care.

     Age Restrictions

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s services and website are not intended for use by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect, solicit, or process personal information from children under this age. Our age restrictions are aligned with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States and similar international regulations.

    – Prohibition of Collection: We explicitly prohibit the registration or use of our services by children under 13. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under this age, we will take immediate steps to delete that data from our systems.

    – Verification of Age: During the registration process, we may implement age verification mechanisms to ensure compliance with our age restrictions. Users are required to provide truthful information regarding their age to access our services.

     Parental Guidance

    For users who are minors but older than the regulated age of 13, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing emphasizes the importance of parental or guardian involvement. We encourage parents and guardians to supervise their children’s online activities and to educate them about safe internet practices.

    – Parental Consent: In jurisdictions where it is mandated, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing may require verifiable parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information of minors. This consent process involves securing explicit authorization from a parent or guardian through reliable verification methods.

    – Parental Rights: Parents and guardians have the right to review, amend, or request the deletion of their child’s personal information collected by Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing. They can exercise these rights by contacting our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section.

    – Educational Resources: We provide educational resources to help parents and guardians understand our data collection practices and the ways in which they can protect their children’s privacy. These resources include guidelines on safe internet usage and tips for monitoring online activities.

    Compliance with Telephony Regulations:

    – Telemarketing and Communications: Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing complies with all telephony regulations that prohibit telemarketing to minors. We ensure that our communication practices do not target children and that any inadvertent communication is immediately addressed and rectified.

    – Data Protection Standards: We adhere to strict data protection standards to safeguard the personal information of minors. This includes encryption, secure access controls, and rigorous monitoring to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of data.

    Compliance with Insurance Regulations:

    – Insurance Policies and Services: Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing ensures that all insurance-related services and policies are issued and managed in compliance with applicable laws governing minors. This includes obtaining necessary consents and ensuring that minors’ information is used solely for legitimate insurance purposes.

    – Educational Outreach: In situations where insurance products may impact minors (e.g., health or life insurance policies under parental guidance), Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing provides comprehensive information to parents and guardians to facilitate informed decisions.

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to fostering a safe and secure online environment for children and ensuring that their privacy is rigorously protected. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our policies on children’s privacy, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.

    1. Third-Party Links

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s website and services may contain links to third-party websites or resources. This section outlines our policies regarding these links to ensure transparency and clarify our responsibilities.

     External Websites

    Our platform may provide links to external websites for your convenience and informational purposes. These third-party sites operate independently of Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing and have their own privacy policies and terms of use.

    – Purpose of Links: The inclusion of links to external websites does not imply endorsement or validation by Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing of their content, products, services, or data protection practices. These links are provided solely for your convenience and to potentially enhance your user experience by offering additional information and resources.

    – Review of Third-Party Policies: We strongly encourage you to review the privacy policies and terms of service of any third-party websites you visit via links provided on our platform. Understanding these policies will help you make informed decisions about sharing personal information.

     Responsibility Disclaimer

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing disclaims any responsibility or liability for the practices, content, and data protection measures employed by third-party websites. By accessing third-party links, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

    – No Control Over Third-Party Practices: Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing does not control and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of third-party websites. This includes their data collection, storage, and usage practices. Your interactions with these sites are governed by their respective policies and terms.

    – No Endorsement: The presence of third-party links on our website should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing of the third-party or its content, products, or services.

    – Liability Limitation: Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is not liable for any damages, losses, or issues arising from your use of third-party websites. This includes, but is not limited to, data breaches, security incidents, or the mishandling of your personal information by third parties.

    Industry-Specific Considerations:

    – Telephony Industry:

      – Regulatory Compliance: When linking to third-party telecommunication services or resources, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing ensures that such entities are compliant with industry standards and regulations. However, we cannot guarantee the ongoing compliance of linked third-party sites.

      – Secure Communications: We advise users to exercise caution when sharing personal or sensitive information on third-party telecommunication platforms. Ensure that the third-party site employs proper encryption and security measures to protect your data.

    – Insurance Industry:

      – Third-Party Insurance Services: Our website may link to third-party insurance providers, brokers, or informational resources. While we aim to connect you with reputable entities, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or appropriateness of content on third-party insurance websites.

      – Due Diligence: If engaging with third-party insurance services linked from our site, we recommend conducting due diligence, verifying credentials, and understanding the third party’s privacy practices and terms of service.

    Recommendations for Users:

    – Stay Informed: Always read and understand the privacy policies and terms of service of third-party websites before providing any personal information or engaging in transactions.

    – Be Cautious: Exercise caution and discretion when navigating through third-party links and interacting with external websites.

    – Report Issues: If you encounter any issues or have concerns about any third-party links provided on our website, please contact us immediately. We will review the concern and take appropriate actions, which may include removing the problematic link.

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing aims to foster a secure and trustworthy online environment for our users. While we strive to connect you with valuable resources through third-party links, understanding and managing the associated risks is essential. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding third-party links, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.

    1. Changes to this Privacy Policy

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect changes in our practices, legal requirements, or regulatory obligations. This section outlines our process for notifying you of such changes and the effective date of any policy updates.

     Notification of Changes

    To ensure transparency and compliance with applicable data protection laws, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing will provide clear and timely notice of any material changes to this Privacy Policy. Our notification methods include:

    – Website Notification: A prominent notice will be displayed on the Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing website, informing users of significant changes to the Privacy Policy. This notice will be accessible from our homepage or other key pages to ensure visibility.

    – Email Notification: If you are an active user and have provided us with your email address, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing will send an email notification about the changes to this Privacy Policy. The email will outline the key modifications and provide a link to the updated policy for your review.

    – In-App Notifications: For users engaging with Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing through mobile applications or other digital platforms, we may utilize in-app notifications to alert you to changes in the Privacy Policy.

    We encourage you to review the updated Privacy Policy to understand how these changes may impact your rights and responsibilities. By continuing to use our services after receiving notification of the changes, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

     Effective Date

    To provide clarity on the applicability of the new terms, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing will specify the effective date of any updates to this Privacy Policy:

    – Effective Date Specification: All changes to this Privacy Policy will take effect on the date specified in the notification. This date will be clearly mentioned in the notice provided on our website, in emails, or through in-app notifications.

    – Review Period: We may provide a review period before the new Privacy Policy takes effect to ensure you have adequate time to review and understand the changes. During this time, your continued use of our services will be governed by the existing Privacy Policy.

    – Historical Versions: For transparency and reference, previous versions of this Privacy Policy may be retained and made available upon request or through our website. This allows you to see how our policies have evolved over time.

    Industry-Specific Considerations:

    – Telephony Industry:

      – Regulatory Alignment: Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be made in alignment with telecommunication regulations, including those pertaining to data protection, user consent, and communication practices.

      – Carrier and Service Provider Compliance: We will ensure that updates to our Privacy Policy maintain compliance with the policies of telecommunication carriers and service providers, as well as industry standards established by bodies such as the CTIA.


    1. Contact Information

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to transparency and responsiveness in all aspects of our operations, including your privacy and data protection concerns. This section provides comprehensive details on how you can contact us for any inquiries, concerns, or requests related to your personal information.


     Company Details

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing, LLC

    Phone: 855-938-9245

    Address: 2 Willow Ave, Oakdale, PA 15071

    Website: [Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing]

     Contact Methods

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing offers multiple methods for you to reach out with questions or concerns related to this Privacy Policy, your personal data, or any other privacy-related matters.

    – Phone: For urgent matters or to speak directly with our support team, you can call our customer service line at 855-938-9245. Our phone lines are open during regular business hours.

    – Mail: You can send written correspondence to our mailing address:

      Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing, LLC

     2 Willow Ave

      Oakdale, PA 15071

    Web Form:

    We provide a secure web form on our website for submitting inquiries or requests. This form allows you to quickly send us your questions or concerns while ensuring the protection of your personal information.

    In-Person Visits:

    For in-person inquiries, you are welcome to visit our office at the specified address during regular business hours. We recommend scheduling an appointment to ensure that the appropriate team members are available to assist you.

    Regulatory Authorities:

    If you believe that Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing has not addressed your data protection concerns adequately, you have the right to contact your local data protection authority. For individuals in the European Economic Area (EEA), this would be your national supervisory authority. For residents of California, you may contact the California Attorney General’s Office.

    Telephony-Specific Contact Methods:

    – SMS/MMS Support: For issues or inquiries related to or arising from our SMS/MMS services, you can call 855-938-9245. We will respond promptly in accordance with our support policies for telecommunication services.


    1. Miscellaneous

    This section addresses various important legal and procedural aspects that govern the relationship between Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing and its users. It provides clarity on dispute resolution mechanisms and the governing law applicable to our operations and your use of our services.

     Dispute Resolution

    Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing is committed to resolving disputes promptly and fairly through transparent and effective mechanisms. This section outlines the procedures for resolving disputes that may arise between you and Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing:

    – Informal Resolution: We encourage you to contact us directly to resolve any concerns or disputes informally before initiating formal proceedings. Our customer support team and Data Protection Officer are available to address your concerns and work towards an amicable resolution.

      – Contact Information: Please reach out to us via email, phone, or mail as provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy. We aim to respond to and resolve informal disputes within a reasonable timeframe.

    – Mediation and Arbitration: If the dispute cannot be resolved informally, we may agree to pursue mediation or arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

      – Mediation: Both parties may agree to mediation conducted by a neutral third party to facilitate a mutually satisfactory resolution. The costs of mediation are typically shared equally unless otherwise agreed upon.

      – Arbitration: In the event that mediation does not resolve the dispute, either party may request arbitration. Arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) or comparable arbitration body, as agreed upon by the parties.

        – Binding Decision: The arbitrator’s decision is binding and enforceable in a court of competent jurisdiction. Each party will bear its own costs and expenses incurred in arbitration, unless the arbitrator decides otherwise.

    – Litigation: If mediation and arbitration are unsuccessful or inapplicable, the parties may proceed to resolve the dispute in court. This step should be considered a last resort, and we remain committed to exploring all alternative resolution methods beforehand.

     Governing Law

    This section specifies the legal framework and jurisdiction that govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Privacy Policy and your use of Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s services:

    – Applicable Law: This Privacy Policy, including any disputes arising out of or related to it, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. This choice reflects the location of Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing’s principal place of business and ensures consistency in the application of legal principles.

    – Jurisdiction and Venue: Any legal actions or proceedings arising out of or relating to this Privacy Policy shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located in Gregg County, Texas. By using our services, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of these courts and waive any objection to the venue on grounds of convenience or jurisdiction.

    Industry-Specific Considerations:

    – Telecommunications Regulations: In addition to the general governing law provisions, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing complies with all relevant federal and state telecommunications regulations, including those enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and other regulatory bodies. Any disputes specifically related to telecommunications services may also be subject to the jurisdiction of the FCC, where applicable.

    – Insurance Regulations: For disputes specifically related to insurance services, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing adheres to the regulations and guidelines established by state insurance regulatory authorities. Any legal actions involving insurance matters may also fall under the jurisdiction of these regulatory authorities, in addition to the general provisions outlined above.

    – Cross-Border Disputes: In cases involving users outside the United States, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing endeavors to comply with applicable international laws and regulations. Disputes involving cross-border transactions may be subject to international arbitration bodies or courts, in accordance with treaties or agreements in place between the relevant jurisdictions.

    By addressing these miscellaneous aspects, Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, And Plumbing aims to provide clear and comprehensive guidance on how disputes will be handled and which legal frameworks will govern your use of our services. Our commitment to fair and transparent dispute resolution reflects our dedication to maintaining trust and fostering positive relationships with our users.

    Should you have any questions or need further clarification on these provisions, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the information provided in the “Contact Information” section of this policy.