03 Mar 5 Things To Do Before Shutting Down Your Heating System
How To Shut Down A Heating System At The End Of Winter
With colder days seemingly behind us, it’s almost time to shut down that heating system for the season. While it provided you with warmth and comfort all winter long, the days will soon be here when you start to rely on your cooling system to take over. So, is there anything you need to do before giving that furnace a rest? Of course there is! See below to find out how to shut your heating system down properly:
1 – Shut Off The Gas Supply
Gas furnaces require a pilot light to keep the system running. While it may not use a ton of gas, homeowners often waste $50 or more each year as a result of keeping the pilot light lit, even when the heating system is no longer in use.
To shut it off, you simply need to turn the valve that supplies gas to the system. Just remember to turn it back on when temperatures begin to drop again later in the year.
2 – Take Care Of The Filter
Clean or replace the filter before you shut the system down. This way you won’t have to do so when you kick the system back on in the fall.
In some systems, the air conditioner component and the furnace utilize the same filter, so this is especially important if this is the type of system you have. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing damage to your cooling system and/or breathing in dirty, potentially toxic air during the warmer months.
3 – Clean Up
It’s vital to keep the area around your furnace clean. Not only will it help prevent the risk of a fire, a clean area around the system will allow for proper airflow which is required for the system to run at peak performance.
In addition to keeping all storage items at least 2 feet from the system, we suggest vacuuming the area to minimize dust and debris levels, too.
4 – Change Thermostat Settings
Now that you won’t be using the heat for a while, head over to the thermostat and switch the setting from “heat” to “off” or “cool.”
During this time, check on the temperature settings if you have a programmable thermostat so that you can ensure ideal energy savings in the coming months.
5 – Reflect
Take this time to think about how your heating system worked all winter long. Did it provide you and your family with adequate heat to keep comfortable? Or do you remember being chilly more often than not? It may be time to consider having a new, more energy-efficient system installed so that your family and your home remain comfortable next year.
Heating Installation & Repair in Pittsburgh
Whether you’re looking for a new unit because your existing heating system has stopped working or you are interested in upgrading to a newer, more efficient model, Wahl Heating, Cooling & Plumbing can help. Call us today at (412) 265-2662 to learn more about our heating services.