20 Mar How Air Cleaners Can Help Prevent Spring Allergies
It’s the first day of spring! Don’t let seasonal allergies keep you from enjoying the day. With air cleaners, you and your family can breathe easier.
What is Trane CleanEffects?
87% of American homeowners are unaware of indoor air pollution. However, there’s more in the air than you can see! Trane CleanEffects is a revolutionary technology removes up to 99.98% of these airborne particles.
What particles will it remove?
Dust, smoke, pollen, pet hair, dander, dust mites, mildew, lint, fungus, cooking grease and even bacteria are filtered through the system — so that your nose and throat stay clear.
What else can you do?
In addition to installing Trane CleanEffects, you can also use anti-dust mite covers, wash sheets in hot water once a week, fix leaky pipes to eliminate mold sources, close your windows and doors, and keep pets off of the furniture in the bedroom. These expert allergy tips, along with a whole-house air cleaner installation, will keep you allergy-free this spring!
If you have any questions about how you can improve your indoor air quality this spring, give Wahl a call! Our technicians are happy to discuss your air quality options. Call (412) 265-2662 or visit our website to learn more about our plumbing, heating and cooling services, as well as the accessories we offer.