How Fall Decor Affects Your Indoor Air Quality

How Fall Decor Affects Your Indoor Air Quality

This time of year, it seems that everyone starts to stock up on their favorite gold, yellow, and orange decorations to really get in the mood for autumn. While we know you love your apple pie-scented candles and perfectly-round pumpkins, your home may not love them nearly as much. In fact, all that decor can end up doing more harm than good when it comes to your indoor air quality. Here’s how:

Scented Items Spread Chemicals

One of the trademarks of decorating in fall tends to be adding scents to your home that mimic freshly-baked pie and pumpkin spice lattes. However, many of the products that smell this way — candles, air fresheners, etc. — happen to contain chemicals that help them achieve these aromas.

What’s worse is that manufacturers aren’t always required to put those chemicals on the ingredient list, so you may not even be aware of what you’re buying and putting into your home. Instead of using these products, opt for natural beeswax candles and essential oils that are much better for your air quality.

Rotting Pumpkins

After spending a full day at the pumpkin patch picking out the best orange gourds, you’ll likely want to make your jack-o-lanterns last as long as possible. However, like every other vegetable, pumpkins can start to go bad and rot after a while.

If you aren’t careful, they can develop mold that can spread into your air and even other parts of your home. When it comes to pumpkins, wait to carve them until it’s closer to the holiday, and get rid of them once they start to look worse-for-wear.

For help keeping your home’s indoor air quality high, trust the HVAC experts at Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing. We’re in your neighborhood since 1980! Contact us today for more information or to schedule a service.