25 May What Makes A Smart Thermostat “Smart”?
Many people wonder what smart thermostats are and whether or not they are worth having in their home. While needs and price ranges of homeowners vary, there are a few differences between regular thermostats and smart thermostats that can help you decide if they are the right choice for your home.
Smart thermostats differ from regular and programmable thermostats in that they provide you with a complete understanding of how much you are spending on heating and cooling your home. You can easily determine where you are wasting money and in turn reduce your home energy bill.
Here are a few features unique to smart thermostats:
- Change the climate of your home remotely.
- View your energy consumption in real-time.
- Manage your home temperature from your phone or webapp.
- Learn from your behaviors.
- Show you how long it will take to make the requested temperature change.
- Tweak the program to save you money.
While there are many benefits to smart thermostats, they are not for everyone. For renters or homeowners that move from place to place frequently, the initial investment may not be worthwhile. It is important for homeowners and renters to consider how long they plan on staying in one place and whether or not they are able to take the system with them if they do move.
For more information on smart thermostats, check out this lifehacker article. You can also call our office with any questions you have about your HVAC system. Wahl Family Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing offers smart thermostat installation services. Call (412) 265-2662 for more information and to determine is a smart thermostat is the right choice for your home.